
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Exiting Triumphantly

Long version will come later, but here's the short version:

I am no longer a Peace Corps volunteer. I have exited triumphantly or ET'ed (okay, so maybe it stands for Early Termination, but I like my acronym better). I am happier than I have felt for most of this year and I just feel a wonderful sense of freedom flowing through my body.

I should still have a pretty action packed life, so I intend to keep the blog going. Also, I am thinking of putting up my Blogposten Verboten (forbidden blog posts) which I would not have been able to put online while serving as a volunteer. Like the part before our swearing-in ceremony where I asked if Peace Corps would tell us when volunteers were leaving the program and I was told that volunteers were smart enough to figure out for themselves when people were sent home. Yep, I got lots to talk about...

Anyway, I missed the countdown while I was away from my blog, so:

29, 28 and with my departure, 27 remain out of the original 42 (over 1/3 gone). For math/science teachers, 6 out of 13 remain (over 1/2 gone). Not so triumphant...

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