
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Way Behind on Everything

Well, the last two months, I was abducted by aliens and hence, I couldn't sit down and update this blog. Okay, that's not actually true, but I bet I had you fooled.

I was in the states for 2.5 months, and I have every intention of sitting down and blogging about it. Unfortunately, that is right next to "Blog about December and January" on my to-do list. Still, I'll try to at least get some cursory posts up there. I am very grateful to the people still checking this in spite of this 2 month hiatus from updates.

So I am up to my ears in work, I know that I owe dozens of people emails and I'm backdating these posts so that I seem like a little bit less of a slacker. Anyway, I promise you that I have lots of good stories from June and July and I will do my best to put those up here for anyone who is interested.

Thanks for sticking around for this ride :)

Oh, and I wound up buying a Flip Cam. I don't know if I'm just cruelly getting your hopes up for videos, but hey, it could happen. We'll see...

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