
Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 in Hindsight

2010 was a big improvement on 2009. I was a lot happier and I felt like I recovered from some of the stresses I experienced during my Peace Corps service. I completely gave up cigarettes (I wasn't smoking heavily in Peace Corps, but there were some days where one or two cigarettes was the only thing that would help me maintain balance) and I cut back significantly on alcohol (a few drinks every few months, as opposed to several drinks a couple times every few months). On the other hand, I read a small fraction of the number of books that I read in 2009 (though that was a pretty high baseline). I also had more positive interactions when I would meet up with people.

I got lots of stamps in my passport in 2009 as I spent time in 5 countries (including the US, where I spent time in 5 states). I made lots of new friends and started work on a few new exciting projects (and I was really happy to rejoin the IDDS team). My work at GCS has been really rewarding and its nice to be part of a team where people communicate with one another and change can happen. Don't get me wrong, I missed the network that I left when I ended my Peace Corps service, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was the right decision for me to leave and I'm glad that I was able to work with the program after leaving.

2010 put me on a really positive track and I'm hoping to carry that over into 2011. Still trying to figure out my resolutions for 2011 (I succeeded in my goal of giving up cigarettes last year), and I'm open to suggestions...

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