
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break

Well, we closed the school today for the month of April. Technically, we finished yesterday, but there were a few loose ends to handle today. Paperwork was a nightmare, since I was simultaneously doing everything on the computer to teach the rest of the staff how it works and writing everything out by hand. I'm glad that's over. I nearly lost my temper with one of my colleagues (it's always the same one) but I managed to hold on for the day. I haven't lost my temper since January. Let's try to keep that streak alive.

Anyway, I am on break for April. I will do some work in my community. Liz is also coming here soon and she will also do some work in my community (Yay IDDS reunion!). Then I have some training in Nairobi then a week of freedom and then training outside Nairobi on permaculture (awesome!). I'll have to see Jackie at some point in there too.

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