
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Locked Out

I'm locked out of my house right now. Through no fault of my own. It's 10:30 PM, and I've been taking refuge at the office for the past 4 hours (I've been at the office a while longer, but the locking out only happened 4 hours ago). I haven't eaten dinner, and I'm tired of the computer screen (spent most of the time doing accounting) and the cramped space (it's crowded in the evenings because we park the company motorcycle in the office) and it's cold. My phone battery is dead and my charger is locked in my room. My mind keeps jumping back to the fact that I should pack for my trip to Kenya tomorrow. The computer monitor is starting to look appetizing (okay, now I'm just being melodramatic; if food were the issue, I could go out and grab a bite at a nearby restaurant). Really, I'm just whining for the sake of whining and I want a hug. There, I said it.


Amanda said...


Daniel said...

Just wanted to say that I got into the house just after this was posted. Started charging my phone, and had some grilled cheese. Life is a lot brighter :)

But I'm still accepting hugs