
Thursday, February 11, 2010


I've been in the same time zone for the last 15 months (this is no real accomplishment for the likes of my father, who believes that he's on CST, whether he's in North Carolina, London, or anywhere else in the world and regardless of what any calendars may say about daylight savings). I think that's a first for me in my lifetime. There's not even daylight savings (which is kinda like changing time zones anyway). That means I live 8 hours ahead of EST, 9 hours ahead of CST and 11 hours ahead of PST. (For some reason, my blog is on Pacific time, and I can't figure out how to change that. Don't read too much into that, since I doctor the timestamp on a lot of my posts anyway.) The time difference can be inconvenient at times when trying to work with people who are in the states, but that is only rarely an issue. Wednesday was one of those times.

I was very actively involved in the International Development & Design Summit (IDDS) from July to November 2008. After coming to East Africa, however, I have not been able to participate very much. Finally, on Tuesday night I was able to join in the meeting over Skype. Unfortunately, as the meeting was scheduled at 6:30 PM in Boston, that meant that I was joining in at 2:30 AM in Tanzania (so I guess I should've said Wednesday morning). The meeting was actually really interesting, and I felt like I was really back in my element, talking to all those incredible people. The meeting wound up lasting until 6 AM, while I go into work at 8 AM. Honestly, I would've stuck around if the meeting had continued until 7:55 AM.

I'm going to keep this up, and hopefully I'll be in Colorado in July.

1 comment:

M. Rock said...

It's interesting how Skype is affecting the work place and collaborations--lots of people I know use it for international communication at all levels, professional (interviews) to chatting with friends (virtual hangouts).

Just a thought.