
Thursday, March 25, 2010

And ***** was his name-o

I made a new friend. He's pretty quiet, but he likes to walk home with me. He's playful and free-spirited. I guess I don't even mind his fleas too much. But I only call him rafiki (friend). I think he deserves a proper name. I invite all suggestions, though I warn you that the name is going to be a swahili word. Although it would be pretty cool to give the dog a spanish name. That way people wouldn't be confused when I refer to him. And c'mon, wouldn't it be pretty great to have a dog named Sombrero or something?


Elizabeth Kneen said...

My wireless SSID is Imekwama. Somehow I also feel like that's appropriate for a dog.

Unknown said...

You should call him la modista or whatever the swahili translation is for "knit dress of doom"

Commissioner said...

Robinson Crusoe's companion was Friday. Tom Hanks' was Wilson.

Tuny said...

I vote for Eros, which in Tuny Chilean Spanish, of course, would be Eros-O.

Mrs. Art Teacher said...

Why not call him Perro? That is the Spanish word for dog. I also like Mango...for no other reason than it's a good name.