
Monday, March 8, 2010

Low energy weekend

I can't really explain why, but I felt pretty low energy this weekend. Most likely it was just from my workload this week and some weighty decisions that I had on my mind. In any case, it felt good to be a bit lazy.

Jackie sugeted that Friday night would be a good night to make chapati burritos. I brought ten chapatis from town and was really looking forward to the meal. When I got home, Jodie and Jackie were just starting Invictus, so I decided to watch with them. As we watched, I cut up the vegetables and cooked the beans that we had been soaking all day. Then Jackie made the guacamole and I reheated the chapatis for our feast. We were all pretty hungry, so at the end of the movie (we weren't really thrilled, but I guess I wasn't disappointed either) we wolfed down the meal. That sent us all into pretty deep food comas and made us crash early on Friday night (a sadly typical trend in my life these days).

Saturday morning, Jodie and I headed to the office for a half-day of work. I spent most of my time balancing the books, which was somewhat infuriating because I couldn't understand how some of the entries were recorded, but it all had a happy ending, I guess. After work, I felt pretty drained, so I was ready for a relaxing afternoon. We came home and found Jackie wasn't feeling so hot, so I had to postpone my relaxing afternoon (well, first Jodie and I ate the leftover chapati burritos) until after I ran out in the rain (I love doing that!) to grab some juice (the supermarket is about a mile from our house). All the Tanzanians thought I was crazy for going out without an umbrella.

When I came back, we decided to watch Up in the Air. We agreed that it was pretty entertaining, but not incredibly cheerful. Jackie felt that the best remedy was to watch Glee. We watched the first ten episodes (42 minutes each) before deciding that 2 AM was probably a good time to get some sleep (we also realized that we hadn't actually eaten anything substantial for dinner). Needless to say, we were all pretty entertained by it.

Sunday morning, Jackie made too much oatmeal, so I had some of that for breakfast while I made banana bread. I forgot to set the towel on top of the "oven" to trap the heat, so it burned a bit on the bottom (still, it was pretty delicious). Jackie and I then drove to the grocery store and bought some supplies for the week. We wanted to watch more Glee, but the power kept going in and out (our neighbors have a TV but no electricity, so they leave the TV here and watch whenever they like, and when they aren't around, we sometimes put on a movie), so it was a bit drawn-out. Fortunately, there are only thirteen episodes so far, so after some struggling, we succeeded in watching the last three. I'm pretty excited for the next set to come out.

While we were watching, Jackie made a pretty tasty salad with greens and tuna and all sorts of good foods. Most meals I eat at home involve cooked veggies, so salad was quite a treat. Then Jackie and I decided to experiment with a honey mustard chicken marinade. We didn't have any recipe to follow, but we threw together some honey, mustard (both dijon and yellow), lemon juice, roasted garlic, egg yolk, flour, water, salt and pepper. I diced up the chicken and we left it to sit for a while and we both decided to focus on work for a bit. Then, for dinner I helped Jackie make a tomato curry soup and then I cooked up the honey mustard chicken while she turned some stale bread into croutons for our soup. When Jackie and I tasted the chicken, we couldn't believe how amazing it had turned out. I'm really excited to make it again. The soup was worryingly over-curried, but Jackie suggested a dash of basil, and it worked the trick. Dinner was absolutely delicious. Then a bit more work before crashing.

This weekend was pretty much just what I needed :)

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