
Monday, March 22, 2010

Typifying stereotypes

Well, it's been a really low-key week. Most of my work was at the office. We did have to say good-bye to Jackie for a while (presumably). Jackie and I definitely didn't accomplish everything that we set out to do, but we actually did check a lot of things off of our list (watching several movies/TV shows, making hummus and lots of other exciting dishes, and of course, providing endless entertainment to everyone around us).

Anyway, this morning I was getting some much needed sleep (I haven't slept in for a while now) when all of a sudden, I couldn't sleep any longer. I could hear the conversation between two people in the living room (both MIT alums who shall remain anonymous) who were trying to figure out what a capacitor stores. I cringed at some of their guesses. I could've just rolled over, but as a physics major, I had to weigh in. After giving a lengthy, if slightly incoherent, explanation (I could probably have told them what they were trying to figure out in three words: energy and charge) I decided to roll over and go back to sleep. They realized I was awake and tried to ask me a few more (non-physics) questions, but I just mumbled some things that I don't remember and slept for another three hours.

I'm pretty sure most other MIT alums aren't this bad (in terms of fitting the stereotypes most people have about us). I was just always a fan of those "The More You Know" ads. If only they were about circuit components instead...

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