
Friday, June 19, 2009

Sleepless nights

Last night, i lost quite a bit of sleep. The anglican church is about
15 meters from my house, and apparently, they were having an all-night
revival. The synthesizer wasn't so bad. However, Jonathan Edwards
blasting through a loudspeaker in swahili was not conducive to
sleeping. Those of you not familiar with semi-obscure personalities
from american history can look it up on wikipedia. My students told me
this morning that the revival will last for a week. Oh well, i guess
college trained me to live without sleep.


Elizabeth Kneen said...

Can you sleep in the storage room at the school or something? It's far enough away from the church so that you wouldn't hear it. Also, it's not like it's much softer than your bed...oh wait, I mean the floor below your bed since that's where you end up anyways thanks to that lovely support frame ;)

Leanne said...

lol jonathan edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. for some reason that has always stuck in my mind from sophomore year high school english.