
Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm an uncle (or an aunt)

Back when I was a sophomore in high school, I was having a conversation with my sister. She's nine years older than me, and just has a special way with words. We were discussing the fact that I had the same chemistry teacher she had had when she was a student, and the exchange went something like this:

Adrienne: Oh, you have Mr. Hunt, did you mention that you're my sister?

Me: Ummmmm, no.

Adrienne: Really? ...Why not?

Me: Well, I don't actually tell anyone that I'm your sister?

Adrienne: You--you don't???

Me: You see, Adrienne, I'm a boy...

And from that moment on, the entire family has refused to let that episode. For a minute, she seemed genuinely hurt. And I have to be honest, I have a pretty distinctive hyphenated last name. There aren't many people who miss that connection.

In any case, Adrienne just had a baby on Thursday October 28 (although on Tanzanian time, the baby was born after midnight, so I'm starting a campaign to celebrate her birthday on the 29th). A beautiful girl named Charlotte Abigail. And now, I'm going to have to fight to be called Uncle Daniel. Still, I'm thrilled to be an uncle and it was nice to talk to my niece over the phone the other day. I need to plan a trip home and see her. Check her out below!

Oh, and once again, Reuben's technical prowess saves the day. I've just learned how to link my posts as status updates on Facebook. Look at me joining the 21st century!


Tuny said...

What a gorgeous baby! I bet she'd love to meet her uncle soon or her Uncle Daniel.

Tuny said...

Did I mention what a gorgeous mother that baby has?