
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Intolerable odor

On Wednesday night I decided to make some honey mustard chicken for dinner. I've gotten pretty comfortable with the recipe, so it's generally automatic. This time was the first real hiccup I've had with the dish.

In order to make the sauce, I add one egg. We buy our eggs in sets of 30 and keep them next to our refrigerator. They last for about two weeks, and we typically go through them faster than that. Keeping eggs in the refrigerator seems like such an odd practice to me at this point.

So, back to Wednesday. We were on the last of our eggs and it had only been a week and a half (for those worried about my cholesterol, that's an average of one per person per day). Now, our refrigerator radiates lots of heat, which goes directly to where the eggs are sitting. I went to pick one up and the bottom half stayed in the carton. And the entire kitchen reeked of sulphide from the black spots on the green yolk. It was horrible. And Jodie and I couldn't stop laughing. We put some baking soda down for the smell and I slid the fridge slightly so that the heat would escape in the other direction.

In this case, I'd say our fridge caused the mayai mabovu (rotten eggs), rather than preventing them. Oh well, lesson learned.

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